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Legal Clinic of the Department of "Jurisprudence" of the IHJ of "Abai KazNPU" NJSC - organization and activities for the gratuitous provision of professional legal assistance to socially vulnerable categories of the population in various areas of legal relations regulated and carried out by the Law of the Republic of Kazakhstan "On Education", the Charter of "Abai KazNPU" NJSC, internal rules defining the status of university structures and other regulatory legal acts related to the legal clinic, created by the order The rector of the University in 2021, which has its own Rules, is a structural unit of the Department of Jurisprudence.


The mission:
Providing high-quality gratuitous legal assistance, as well as assistance in improving the legal literacy of the population.


Providing gratuitous legal advice and legal assistance to socially vulnerable categories of the population, increasing the level of legal literacy and legal awareness of the population, as well as improving the professional skills of interns at the legal clinic.


- comprehensive improvement of the level of academic achievement of students in academic disciplines of the legal cycle from the mandatory component;
- objectification of the assessment of the role and importance of applied legal disciplines that perform auxiliary functions in law enforcement (legal psychology, legal ethics, legal statistics, etc.);
- the use of fundamental theoretical knowledge in solving practical problems of law enforcement;
- the use of data on the practice of administration of justice by the courts of first instance in Almaty and law enforcement agencies (criminal prosecution authorities, administrative authorities, preventive authorities, legal advice, advocacy, justice authorities, etc.) in the development of students` theses and projects;
- provision of gratuitous legal assistance to all citizens who have applied for legal assistance at a Legal Clinic, within the limits established by the regulations of the Legal Clinic;
- providing methodological and methodological assistance in organizing and conducting various events by students (student scientific forums, Olympiads, contests, debates, webinars, meetings with representatives of practical bodies, the media, introductory visits to law enforcement agencies, courts, etc.).

Our team:
- Interns - students of 1-2 courses of the Department of Jurisprudence;
- Lawyers - students of 3-4 courses of the Department of Jurisprudence;
- Senior lawyers - 4th year students and undergraduates of the Department of Jurisprudence;
- Experts - faculty of the Department of Jurisprudence.


Head of the Legal Clinic:
Associate Professor of the Department of Jurisprudence Meirbekova G.B. +77073171514

