қазақша · русский · english
 Pirali Raiymbek Polatovich
Chairman of Committee on Youth Affairs

Kazybek bi str., 30/1, Office № 2
 8-708-351-48-80, 8-777-885-62-99


The Youth Affairs Committee was established in October 2003 on the initiative of the Rector of the University T.S.Sadykov.


Purpose: to actively use students` leisure time; promote a competitive personality and its development; create conditions for the comprehensive development and activation of students in various spheres of public life; demonstration and improvement of the patriotic, creative and psychological potential of youth.


Tasks of the « Youth Affairs Committee»:

- organization of events aimed at the implementation of the state youth policy of the Republic of Kazakhstan, ensuring social protection and legal protection of student youth;

- introducing patriotism, spirituality and morality to the consciousness of the university`s youth;

- coordination of the work of the established clubs of interests and self-government, public organizations of the university;

- organization of measures to prevent offenses, corruption and religious extremism among students;

- organization of events promoting socio-political, moral, ethno-cultural and healthy lifestyle;

- conducting health and educational work among students in order to reduce smoking, combat drug addiction;

- development of a plan for cultural and festive events of the University and creation of conditions for their implementation;

- organization of activities with the maintenance of close ties with the faculties and structural units of the university;

- study the interests and requests of students in their free time;

- organize meetings of students with famous scientists, cultural figures, hold round tables, thematic and creative evenings;

- coordination of the activities of student government organizations, student councils and public associations;

- preparation of responses to the wishes of the management and other organizations regarding the state youth policy;

- updating and updating the database of students belonging to socially vulnerable segments of the population of the Republic of Kazakhstan (students from large families, orphaned students, etc.);

- carrying out measures to prevent riots among students.


Functions of the « Youth Affairs Committee»:

- development of managerial abilities of student leadership groups;

- formation of the student`s personality, his internal social development, fostering goodwill towards the environment;

- participation of students in the work of student self-government (student meetings), joint decision-making on issues of student life at the Institute;

- identification of leaders from among the student body.



Annual Work Plan of the Youth Committee for 2023-2024