қазақша · русский · english
 Ishpekbayev Zhanatbek Yeshenkozhayevich
Head of the Rector`s Office
Candidate of political science, professor
Dostyk av. 13

 Bekbenbetova Kazyna Asanovna
Deputy Head of the Rector`s Office

Dostyk ave.13



The rector`s office ensures the effective implementation of management decisions and instructions of the Chairman of the Board - Rector, exercises control over the executive discipline, represents the official position of the rector in the process of interaction with university employees.

The rector`s office was created on an ongoing basis as a structural unit of the University, provides effective organizational, informational and documentary support for the activities of the University administration.


The structure of the Rector`s Office includes:
1. HR Policy Office
2. Records Management and Archiving Service
3. Legal Management
4. Procurement Department
5. Situation Center
6. Department of Civil Defense and Mobilization Training Division
7. University Security Service
8. Museum
9. Monitoring and survey cabinet (pro bono)


The activities of structural divisions included in the Rector`s Office are supervised by the Chief of Staff.


You can contact the Rector`s Office on issues requiring an operational decision by the management or related to the activities of services directly subordinate to the head of the Office.




Location: Dostyk street, 13.

Chief of Staff of the Rector
No. 210 cabinet
tel.: +7 (727) 293-80-43


HR Policy Office
No. 103 cabinet
tel.: +7 (727) 291-18-29


Records Management and Archiving Service
No. 218 cabinet
tel.: +7 (727) 291-48-74