қазақша · русский · english

Development plan of educational program 6B01511 - Chemistry in English for 2023-2029

Development plan of educational program 6B01512 - Chemistry-biology for 2023-2029

Development plan of educational program 7M05301 - Chemistry for 2023-2029 years

Development plan of the educational program 8D05301 - Chemistry for 2023-2029

Development plan of the educational program «6B01511-Chemistry» in English of the Institute of Natural Sciences and Geography for 2022-2025

Development plan of the educational program «6B01512 - Chemistry-Biology» of the Institute of Natural Sciences and Geography for 2022-2025

Development plan of the educational program «7M05301 - Chemistry» of the Institute of Natural Sciences and Geography for 2022-2025

Development plan of the educational program «8D05301 - Chemistry» of the Institute of Natural Sciences and Geography for 2022-2025