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          At the present, many changes have been introduced into the sphere of education. One of the urgent problems of our time is the right direction in choosing a profession and creating conditions for professional growth. Scientific and technical and social development, demands for intellectual and creative individuality is growing every time. Therefore, it is important for the younger generation to choose the right specialty. In recent years, the interest of graduates to pedagogical, engineering and technical areas of service has grown.

         Director of the Center for Admission and Training of Specialists, Doctor of Economic Sciences, Professor Assan A. Satmurzayev said: "The main problem of today is the right direction for future citizens of our country. In the message of the President to the people of Kazakhstan of 2006 it is said that it is necessary to make a unified system of effective evaluation of pupils knowledge and abilities".

          On behalf of the rector of Abai KazNPU, academician S.Zh. Praliyev, in 2015, under the guidance of the director of the Center for the Reception of Students and the Control of Training of Specialists, Doctor of Economic Sciences, Professor Borasin Zh. Imanberdiyev was create " Career orientation forum" which by that time had already yielded results.
        Director of the Center for the Reception of Students and Control of Training of Specialists, Doctor of Economic Sciences, Professor Assan A. Satmurzayev led by E. Birtalayev, Head of the Professional orientation Forum and members of the group: B. Zhangushov, senior lecturer at the Institute of Pedagogy and Psychology, assistant professor of the Institute of Philology and multilingual Education, associate professor Ye. Moldasanov from 17.04.2017 to 18.05.2017 conducted vocational guidance work with more than 2500 graduates and their parents in Almaty districts.

News UNT / CT of 2017:
1 block - compulsory subjects:
• Question: Why do I need a pedagogical test?
• Mathematical literacy (20 assignments, one correct answer);
• Literacy reading (20 assignments, one correct answer);
• Question: 5В011300- biology - biology; 5В060700 - Biology - Biology What is the difference between these two specialties?
• History of Kazakhstan (20 assignments, one correct answer);
2 block of subjects of choice
In each subject there are 30 tasks (20 tasks, one correct answer, 10 tasks with several correct answers);
Highest Score: 140
Threshold level: 50 score




          The group also talked about our university history and the technical and material base that prepares competitive specialists and grants and benefits granted to students. Graduates and parents asked questions, for which they received full and thorough answers. At the end, the teachers and management of the schools were thanked for such work and noted the importance of such events in choosing a university. Graduates, parents announced their intention to study at our university and thanked the rector for informing.
          Vocational guidance of graduates is an important job in this difficult choice. After all, the right choice of a specialty is the fate of a country, a person and a society. A person with the right specialty is a person with high morality. A bright future awaits the country with high moral values.
       Abai KazNPU staff expressed gratitude for the warm welcome to the head of the city education department, Rakhat S. Shamasheva , and to the heads of the education department of each district!