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The history of Kazakhstan on screen

          On 21 April 2017, at Abai Kazakh National Pedagogical University by the initiative of the department of Russian Language and Literature Department took place a demonstration of the feature film "Kunanbai" directed by Doskhan Zholzhaksinov under the scenario of Talasbek Assemkulov .
        Guests of the meeting were the widow of the writer T. Assemkulov- Zira Zh. Nauryzbayeva -well known in Kazakhstan culturologist, translator and screenwriter , and Meirkhan Abdyrakhmanov- member of the Artists Union, a corresponding member of the Academy of Arts of the Republic of Kazakhstan, who knew Talasbek Assemkulov. The audience listened with great interest to the memories of the people who took part in the creation of the film.
           In the discussion of the film took part our Moscow guest Uldanai M. Bakhtikireeva, doctor of philological sciences, professor of the People`s Friendship University of Russia .
        Speaking after the film, students, undergraduates, doctoral students and teachers were unanimous in their impressions: the film touched the soul, evoked a lot of emotions, opened new pages of Kazakh history, offered its own understanding of the characters and role of historical personalities.
        A lively discussion with our guests continued at the department. It was clear to everyone: such meetings enrich us mentally and intellectually.
         We will be friends and meet more often!