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Ceremony opening of summer labor season

On 16 June, 2018 at Abai Kazakh National Pedagogical University, inaugurated the summer working season of the student building and labor groups «Zhasyl El».

The rector of the University Takir Balykbaev, wishing the students success in work, opened the event. The chairman of the Committee on Youth Affairs Dildabek Didarbek made a report on the readiness for the season.

This year, 60 students were admitted to the ranks of the student construction team, 73 students joined the ranks of the labor group «Zhasyl El», and 24 students work in the admissions committee. Thus, thanks to the support of the university`s management, 157 students were given the opportunity to work temporarily.

In the current season, the wages of students of labor detachments increased, and special equipment was provided to them.





Department for Educational, social work and youth policy

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