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Intellectual creative competition between girls clubs " Come on, girls!"

           On April 27, 2017 in the framework student festival "Youth. Creation. Innovation "was held an intellectually creative contest between girls clubs " Come on, girls. "
           In order to improve the creative abilities of girls, knowledge and activities, instilling the noble qualities of our people, in the competition took part the "Sirgalym" club of the Institute of Pedagogy and Psychology, "Kirmzyzy Kyzdar" of the Institute of Natural Science and Geography, the "Boitumar" club of the Institute of Physics, Mathematics and Informatics.
           The competition consisted from the following stages: "Salem sozdin anasy / Greetings mother of the speech ", "Bіzdіn club osyndai / Our club the best of the best", "Bilgenge marzhan / Knowledge is not superfluous", Оnerge arkimnin -ak bar talasy / Everyone has a competing in the art ".

          The girls showed their knowledge, skills and absolutely all differ by the activity. As a result of the competition, the jury awarded the 1st place to the "Sirgalym" club of the Institute of Pedagogy and Psychology. We hope that such events will continue in the future.










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