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Virtual quiz «Oz elim menin-ozegim menin»


The first event of the student spring festival «STUDENTS SPRING» organized by the Department of Education, Social Work and Youth Policy and the Department of Pedagogical Cycles of the University, the creative laboratory of future teachers «VirtualLab» on April 12, 2022 at the University: «Oz elim menin-ozegim menin» virtual quiz was held among 1st year students.


The quiz was conducted online using the Kahoot platform. 80 students took an active part in the competition. The best students won prizes. Students of the Institute of Mathematics, Physics and Computer Science became the winners: I place - Baglan Galymkyzy, II place - Kamshat Berikovna, III place - Aidarbek Bekzhan.













Department of Educational, Social Work and Youth Policy

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