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Meeting at the «Qolday» Centre for Entrepreneurship with students of Abai KazNPU


During the implementation of the regional program «Almaty Business-2025» a memorandum aimed at close interaction with the centre of entrepreneurship «Qolday» and teaching students and teachers of the university the skills of entrepreneurship was signed. Based on the Memorandum, a schedule of meetings with all institutes was developed for the purpose of outreach to university students on 9-10 February 2022. An online meeting was organised with students of Institutes of Science and Geography, Pedagogy and Psychology, History and Law, Arts, Culture and Sports in which around 2700 faculty members and students participated through ZOOM platform.


Nurlanov Shyngys, Vice-rector for social development of the university, Didarbek Dildabek, deputy director of Department for educational, social work and youth policy took part in the meeting, the information reports on entrepreneurship were delivered by Nurlybek Tleuliev, deputy director of Training Department of «Center of entrepreneurship «Qoldau» LLP and Gulasyl Ramazanova, chief specialist.


It was noted that two grants for entrepreneurship can be applied for each year and there is a competition. At the end of the event, students and faculty were able to ask questions and receive answers. In addition, a special link for registration was sent to all those wishing to participate in the training course.



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