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Literary and musical evening

On 9 February, 2017 Department of educational, social work and youth policy organized a literary-musical evening dedicated to the poet-humanist Mukagali Makatayev "Omir sagan okpem zhok/ life I will not hurt you ...".
The evening was opened by Vice-rector for educational work Zhanatbek Ishpekbayev, who spoke about the work and the path traversed by the outstanding Kazakh poet and gave the floor to the guests in the evening. Special guest, activist cinema Kazakhstan, art historian, a graduate of the All-Union State Institute of Cinematography, professor Shayakhmet Imashuly brought some interesting facts from life of the poet.
The special impression left songer of traditional songs Abzal Kuanyshuly and unexpected gift became kui "Mukagali" from kyuis artist, poet Talap Karash. Also attended by such guests as brothers and blacksmiths Makhmut and  Aytbergen Kulmentegievs, poet, composer, journalist, chairman of the Eurasian Union of Writers Kairat Dyusen, head of debate club "Tanym" poet Zhumash Kenebay and other representatives of culture and poetries.
University students have prepared a performance "From the diary of Mukagali", a song on the words of the poet "Aytatyn sagan syrym bul / I have a secret for you " and the young poet Roza Tazhibayeva read a poem of his own composition dedicated to the poet. At the end of Zhanatbek Ishpekbayev thanked all the guests and participants and a tradition handed souvenirs and wished success.
Students of the University of respect for the memory they offered flowers to the monument of the poet.
Such evenings devoted to the outstanding poet of the Kazakh steppe, became an annual tradition of our university. Such activities help to awaken national consciousness, raising interest in the historical and cultural heritage and literature.

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