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Departement of Politology and socio-philosophical disciplines

ISO 37001: 2016 - a new international standard in the anti-corruption management system


On December 7, 2021, teachers of the Department of Political Science and Socio-Philosophical Disciplines of the Institute of History and Law took part in the seminar «Practice of measures for the implementation and certification of anti-corruption management systems in accordance with the requirements of the international standard ISO 37001: 2016».


Rector of Abai KazNPU D.N.Bilyalov made a welcoming speech. Noting that ISO 37001: 2016 is the new international standard for anti-corruption action, he stressed the importance of maintaining honesty and integrity in work. The University also launched the Conscious Generation and Academic Honesty projects. Head of the department Simtikov Zh.K. emphasized the active work and effectiveness of anti-corruption measures in these projects and said that the results of such work will be visible over time.


The seminar was held in a large-scale format. The event was attended by managers and employees of various competent institutions in the field of education and law. They shared their opinions, actively participated in the discussion of issues, receiving detailed answers.











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