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University-wide competition "My contribution to national education"

On April 11, 2023, Department of Pedagogy of Institute of Pedagogy and Psychology and the Center "Ulttyk Tarbie" held the final University-wide competition "My contribution to national education", dedicated to the 95th anniversary of Abai KazNPU.

The aim of the competition is to instill national values in students, increase interest in mastering the teaching profession, develop national consciousness, patriotism, respect for their native language and customs.

The competition was held among the 1st year students of the university from February 22 to April 11, 2023. The final competition was attended by 8 winning teams representing their institute, under the guidance of teachers of the Department of Pedagogy.
Vice-rector for Social Development, Shyngys Nurlanov made a welcoming speech. In his speech, he stressed the relevance and importance of the activities carried out within the framework of national youth education.

The students` skills at the competition were evaluated by the Chairman of the jury Almukhambetov B.A., jury members Head of the Department of Pedagogy Columbayeva Sh.Zh., Head of the Department of the Assembly of People of Kazakhstan Shakharman G.P., Director of the Center "Ulttyk Tarbie" Saparov B.Zh., Associate Professor of the Department of Pedagogy of Abai KazNPU Zhumasheva S.S.

As a result of completing 5 interesting, informative tasks, the prizes were distributed among the following teams: I place - the national team "Zhas Tulpar", students of the Institute of History and Law; II place - Amanat team, students of the Institute of Pedagogy and Psychology (Speech Therapy); III place - the Yntymak team, students of the Institute of Art, Culture and Sports (Physical Culture and Sports).

The 5 nominations presented in the competition were distributed as follows: Malik Gabdullin nomination, for patriotism and resourcefulness - Hiuaz team (IF, Two foreign languages); Tokmukhamed Sadykov nomination, for perseverance to victory! - Nurly Zhurek team (IF, "Russian language and literature in schools with a non-Russian language of instruction"); Nomination named after Ibray Altynsarin. For excellent knowledge of oral folk art! - team "Abai bol" (INSG); Kurmangazy Sagyrbayev nomination - team "Shanyrak" (IACS, "Music Education"); Nomination named after Magzhan Zhumabayev. For a special attitude to national values! - team "Muzbalak" (IMFI).

Diplomas, certificates and monetary remuneration were solemnly presented to all participants of the event. In the future, the organizers plan to launch the contest "My contribution to national education" at the city, republican levels!



















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