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Information Center for researchers of Kazakhstan

On June 25, 2024, doctoral students of the specialty «8D01201-Preschool education and upbringing» of Abai KazNPU together with scientific consultants Gulbanu Abitova and Asem Bulshekbayeva visited the Information Center for Researchers of Kazakhstan at the Dissertation Department of the National Library of the Republic of Kazakhstan and the dissertation hall of Abai KazNPU.


The main purpose of the Center is to provide information support to the scientific activities of Kazakhstani researchers, doctoral students, undergraduates, employees of research organizations and scientists of the republic.


Leading librarian Sholpan Salkanova noted that the dissertations are kept as manuscripts and belong to specially protected documents representing the scientific heritage of Kazakhstan. She presented to the doctoral students the main resources of the Center: legal and regulatory documents of science and education in the field of research, abstract collections of research by Kazakhstani and Russian scientists, information on Dissertation councils of the Republic and approved defenses in scientific institutions of Kazakhstan, dissertations of Kazakhstani scientists since 1992, abstracts, including CIS countries, electronic and printed catalogs of dissertations and abstracts, information about scientific institutions and libraries in Kazakhstan.


In the dissertation hall, with the help of access to the Electronic Library of the RSL dissertations, doctoral students, together with scientific consultants, got acquainted with dissertations on topics of interest to them, selected the necessary material for conducting their own research.





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