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 Kosov Vladimir Nikolaevich
Head of the Chair
Tole bi str, 86


The Department of Physics was founded in 2016 when the departments of «Theoretical and Experimental Physics» and «Vocational Training and Computer Technologies» were combined.

The Department of Theoretical Physics was founded in 1966 and is the ancestor of the Department of Physics. The first head of the Department of Theoretical Physics was associate professor Abdusadykov Tokesh Abdusadykovich (1966 - 1975), who conducted research in the field of solid state physics.

From 1975 to 1981, the department was headed by associate professor Aytekeeva Zaure Aronovna working in the field of the theory of gravity and the general theory of relativity.

In 1981-1997, Doctor of Physics and Mathematics, Professor Baktybaev Kyrgyzbai Baktybaevich headed the department. With his arrival, research began in the field of the quantum theory of many-particle systems.

In 1997-1998, Doctor of Physical and Mathematical Sciences, Professor Serik Eshmukhambetovich Kumekov headed the department.

In 1998, the department was transformed into the Department of Theoretical Physics and Numerical Modeling, which was headed by Vladimir N. Kosov, Doctor of Physics and Mathematics, Professor (1998 - 2008), a specialist in thermal physics and theoretical heat engineering.

In 2008, after merging with the Department of Radiation Physics and Electronic Engineering, the head of the Department of Theoretical and Experimental Physics became the Laureate of the State Prize of the Republic of Kazakhstan in the field of science, technology and education, Doctor of Technical Sciences, Professor Kulbek Marat Kulbekovich (2008-2016). With his participation, the department began to carry out numerical and experimental studies in the field of transport phenomena in polyphase systems.

In 2016, the departments of «Theoretical and Experimental Physics» and «Vocational Training and Computer Technologies» were merged into the «Physics» department. The head of the department was appointed Doctor of Physics and Mathematics, Professor Tlebaev Kairat Beishenovich (2016-2018).

Since 2018, the Department is headed by Vladimir Kosov, Doctor of Physical and Mathematical Sciences, Professor, Corr. NAS RK, academician NAS HSC, foreign member of RANS.

The main scientific directions of the department «Physics»:
- Architectonics of physical education;
- Theoretical physics and nuclear astrophysics;
- Thermophysics and theoretical heat engineering of polyphase media;
- Condensed matter physics and new materials;
- Numerical simulation of physical phenomena and processes in dynamic and oscillatory mechanical systems in a continuous medium.