қазақша · русский · english
 Baydildina Adilya Manatovna
Director of the Department
Doctor of economic sciences, professor
Dostyk ave., 13


The main activity of the educational and methodical department is to coordinate the development of educational programs for 61 undergraduate specialties, 53 graduate programs, 30 PhD doctoral programs.

The educational and methodical department conducts an examination of educational plans for specialties.


New generation educational programs are developed in conjunction with employers. These are the best schools of the republic, foreign partner universities (Cambridge University, Freiburg University of Germany, Singapore University of Art Education, York University of Great Britain, University of Australia and others).


Educational programs regulate goals, objectives and learning outcomes, include the structure of the modules, indicating the volume in ECTS credits and the percentage of the context, the standard curriculum of the specialty, a list of recommended elective disciplines, a description of the modules.


Catalogs of elective disciplines are being developed for all specialties, which provide university students with the opportunity of alternative choice of elective academic disciplines.The complex of teaching materials of all disciplines are developed in all areas of training.


The educational and methodical department holds methodical seminars and methodical conferences on contemporary problems of pedagogical education and the tasks of the work of the methodological councils of the institutes and the method of the sections of the departments, which are approved annually. Topics of seminars are relevant, they reflect the current problems of pedagogical science, didactics and student-centered education in higher education.


Educational and methodical department conducts methodological seminars and methodical conferences on contemporary problems of pedagogical education and the tasks of the work of the methodological councils of institutes and the method of sections of departments, which are approved annually.The topic of the seminars is relevant, reflects the current problems of pedagogical science, didactics and student-centered education in higher education.


Lecture funds of the departments are constantly updated to reflect the changes taking place in science and public life.In addition, logical cognitive tasks, questions for them, exercises for independent work of students, problematic issues for discussion at special seminars, problem-search tasks for holding open lectures and seminars with their subsequent discussion are being developed constantly and updated.


One of the most important criteria of educational and methodical work is the development and publication of teaching materials by the staff of the university.In order to provide scientific and methodological support for the training of specialists by the teachers of the departments, textbooks, educational and methodological manuals, as well as educational and methodological developments on the implementation of practical (laboratory) classes, diploma and term papers, practical training programs are published annually.