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Online summer school «Digital Teacher»


Since July 20, 2020 the Summer online school «Digital Teacher» has started at Abai Kazakh National Pedagogical University.

The main purpose of this school is to develop among teachers the knowledge and skills of using digital resources for effective online teaching.

The summer school will discuss the most interesting digital tools for organizing educational activities in the distance mode: «Discord as a tool for pedagogical interaction», «Scribbles of educational results», «Basics of pedagogical design», «Digital footprint».

The speakers of the seminar will share their practical experience and recommendations on the development of educational programs using appropriate tools (DownSab, Advego, Dandelion, Alot), will introduce the online platform for the construction of educational materials and knowledge testing -, resources for laboratory work and virtual laboratory.

Summer School participants will learn how to design collaborative activities, working with,, mentimeter, how to create video lectures, webinars, video conferences in Zoom, Google Meet, OBS-Studio, edpazzle, will receive instructions on how to upload video lectures in the Univer and YouTube systems, development of tests and tasks, control and information gathering tools (QuizLET, Quizz, kahoot, socrative).