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"Elim-ai" - Artistic national epic of heroism

      Chair of the Kazakh language and literature, together with educational and literary- methodical center named after Saken Seifullin (A.I. Shamakhov, S. Anapiyaeva) organized informative meeting on theme: "The Art of national epic of heroism and sadness" with the author of art-historical novel trilogy  " Elim-ai " a famous writer Sofy Smataev. In thise event was attended by classical writers, a prominent literary figure, poet, playwright, winner of the International Literary Prize "Alash" Sofy Kalybekuly Smataev, well-known poet Ayan Nysanalin, writer-journalist Sarbas Aktayev, journalist, translator Kopbosyn Panzabekov.
     Meetings are held professor Temirkhan Sakauly Tebegenov, who noted that the purpose of the event is to promote contemporary literature of independent Kazakhstan. From the first minutes of the event the participants attention was captured by the melody of the song "Elim-ai" and the simultaneous staging of the novel compositions. The author himself could not refrain from tears while scenes from the novel. 2nd year student of Zh. Esirkegenova read a report on the work of S.K. Smataev. At the event, students 1 and 2 courses performed works of Aktamberdy zhyrau, monologues from the trilogy "Elim-ai", an excerpt chapter "Shyrgalan", which shows the image of Aktamberdy zhyrau, the author of the poem as well as their own compositions, songs and dances. Readers, an exhibition of historical novels of Kazakh literature.
     In conclusion, the writer Sofy Kalybekuly Smataev revealed unknown pages of history of our people and thanked the audience. Writer presented his autographed book to the most active participants of the meeting. Professor T.S. Tebegenov noted great importance of this meeting for young people and expressed his wishes for the continuation of such activities.