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Half a century of teaching activities

At the initiative of the Institute of multilingual education of the Kazakh National Pedagogical University named after Abai in the first half of May 2015 at the international level was interviewed at the "round table" on the topic "Modern process of development of the languages in a multicultural environment: way of entering the world educational community" dedicated to 50th anniversary of pedagogical activity known scientist, specialist of English language, Doctor of Philological sciences, professor Ayapova T.T.
In this scientific event was participated rector of the University, Professor S.Zh.Praliyev, academician of NAS RK K.N.Naribayev, Professor of Suleyman Demirel University Davis Brent, as well as a number of scientists and students of the institution. The work of the "round table" led by Doctor of Philological sciences , Professor Zh.A.Abuov.
Addressing the participants the rector of Kazakh National Pedagogical University named after Abai, professor S.Zh.Praliyev highly appreciated the work of Ayapova T.T. in the sphere of Pedagogy and expressed confidence in the fact that talented teacher will reach great heights in scientific and pedagogical activity. Informative report made head of the chair, candidate of philological sciences, docent K.Z.Abylbekova.
The guests, who came from different universities congratulated celebrant after her report and speech.
In conclusion, Rector of the University S.Zh.Praliyev solemnly presented the Abai Golden medal to T.T.Ayapova "For Special Services".