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NAO "KazNPU named after Abai" announces a competition to fill vacant positions of the dean in faculty


NJSC Abai Kazakh National Pedagogical University announces a competition for the position of the Dean of the faculty:

1.Dean of the Faculty of Mathematics, Physics and Informatics;
2. Dean of the Faculty of Arts;
3. Dean of the Faculty of Physical Education and Basic Military Training.

Qualification requirements:
Higher (or postgraduate) education, academic degree, work experience in managerial positions in educational organizations for at least 1 year, or in the relevant field for at least 5 years and knowledge of regulatory legal acts in the field of education.

The following documents are required to participate in the competition:
1) application in the prescribed form (Appendix 1);
2) a copy of identity card;
3) a participant`s service record with a 3x4 color photo in the prescribed form (Appendix 2);
4) сopies of diplomas for education and academic degree, along with their originals for verification;
5) a copy of the document confirming employment, certified by the human resources department of the current or last place of work;
6) list of scientific works and inventions certified by the Chief Scientific Secretary (for the last 5 years).
7) copies of retraining and advanced training certificates (if available) and originals for verification (for the last 3 years).
8) medical certificate in form No. 075/ or a copy of the sanitary book;
9) certificate of no criminal record;
10) certificate of the presence or absence of information about the commission of a corruption offense (for managerial positions);
11) additional documents: characteristics and/or recommendation letter from the last place of work, the participant of the competition has the right to provide additional information regarding his education, professional level, as well as documents confirming work experience and qualifications.
12) presentation of projects (in electronic form, no more than 5-6 slides) covering the following topics (the average estimated time required for the presentation should not exceed 7-10 minutes):
1) "Faculty Development Program for the next 3 years";
2) "Innovations in Academic Activities";
3) "Development of Scientific Activities";
4)"Modernization and Design of Educational Programs".

Document submission for participation in the competition is carried out within 10 (ten) calendar days from the date of publication of the announcement.

The date and location of the contest will be announced additionally.

The above documents must be sent in a scanned version to the and and submitted in person to the address: Almaty, Dostyk Ave, 13 (office No.102, 1st floor: Almaty, Dostyk Ave., 13 (room No. 102, 1st floor) on working days from 9.00 to 17.00.
Please address any questions to: 8(727)291-34-35