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«Barinde zhuregine bagyndur» -
charitable and social share


Student volunteers of club «Meyirim» performed charitable and social share «Barinde zhuregine bagyndur» dedicated to International Day of Disabled Persons for children and parents of children with disabilities on the third of December in «Alatau» Republican children`s clinical sanatorium in Almaty.

The main purpose of this event was the cultural and educational therapy of creativity and the socio-pedagogical work of students, based on universal values, aimed at developing the spiritual strength of children and parents of children with disabilities in our society.

As part of the socio-pedagogical activities of students was organized a playground «Education - love, care, support» in the hall which was presented didactic and educational games. Student volunteers conducted elements of the correctional lesson «Social pedagogy and self-knowledge» with the aim of forming a model of trusting relations between parents and children.

The exercise «Drawings of emotions and feelings» was conducted in order to identify the emotional background, actualized emotions, feelings, experiences of children and their parents. The main attention was paid to the identification of the emotional potential of children and their parents, which opened up broad opportunities for self-knowledge and self-observation, the development of the emotional sphere in general.

At the stage of reflexive analysis, participants of the event shared their feelings and associations that they experienced in the process of forming a common creative activity. They explained in which case they felt more comfortable.

All the creative play therapies of the competition organized together with student volunteers were held in a warm and friendly atmosphere of love. The student volunteers tried to leave no one behind, they found a humane approach to every young patient of the clinical sanatorium, and as a reward for disinterested service they received the most important thing - love and joyful warmly open, kind children`s and mother`s smiles!

















Charitable club «Meyirim»