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On the basis of requirements of the Rules of military registration of persons liable for military service and conscription of the Republic of Kazakhstan, approved by the order of the Defense Ministry of the RK No. 28 dated 24.01.2017, full-time students of 1-2-3 years, arriving in the city of Almaty, must be registered for military service at the place of study (13 Dostyk Ave., Abay KazNPU, Almaty). For this purpose, it is necessary to register at the address of the university.


All male students (including those living in Almaty) should come to registration and get certificate No. 3 (deferment from military service in the Armed Forces of the RK) in "Shapagat" student service centre, office No. 108. At itself it is obligatory to have the identification card and military registration certificate.


If you have any questions, please contact us by telephone: office. 291-64-06, 291-36-22, mobile. 8 747 364 5063, 8 776 187 6270.



Division of Civil Defence and Mobilisation Preparation