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The School of Young Turkologists invites you to an international educational session on ethnic history and ethnography


On March 22, 2022, experts from the Great Altai Research and Educational Center for Altaic and Turkic Studies of the Altai State University, with the support of the Association of Asian Universities and scientific partners of the project «Turkic World of Great Altai Unity and Diversity in History and Modernity» will hold a spring session for young Turkologists from Russia and Central Asian countries at topic «Ethnic history and ethnography of the Turkic-speaking peoples of the Great Altai».


Students, undergraduates, graduate students and young scientists of universities in Russia, Kazakhstan, Kyrgyzstan and Uzbekistan under the age of 35 are invited to participate. Applications are accepted until March 20 this year.


School participants will learn about scientific discoveries in the field of material and spiritual culture of the Turkic-speaking peoples, interethnic processes in the regions of the Greater Altai, as well as the role of the physical and geographical environment in shaping the characteristics of the material culture of the Turkic-speaking peoples.


At the end of the session, participants will receive certificates of participation.


Details in the information letter



Head of Information Center

Scientific and educational center of Altaic and Turkic studies «Great Altai»

Yulia Vadimovna Yavinskaya

8 (961) 237-27-72