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An expanded meeting of the vocational training department Educational program «Primary education» will be held to discuss the doctoral dissertation work of Zh.K. Astambayeva

On December 27, 2021, at 10:00, an expanded meeting of the professional training department of the EP «Primary Education», Astambayeva Zhupat`s dissertation work for the degree of Doctor of Philosophy (PhD) in the specialty «6D010200 - Pedagogy and Methods of Primary Education» at Abai KazNPU on the topic «Development of methodological and mathematical literacy of future primary school teachers in the study of algorithms».

The event will be held in offline and online formats.

The thesis was completed at the Abai KazNPU.

The defense language is Kazakh.

Zhumabayeva Aziya - professor of Abai KazNPU Almaty, Kazakhstan;
Romanova Marina - Doctor of psychologcal science, candidate of pedagogical sciences, professor of the Moscow City University, Moscow, Russia.


Tekesbayeva Anar - docent of Al-Farabi KazNU, Almaty, Kazakhstan (specialty code 13.00.01);
Nizamova Makhinur - docent of ATU, Almaty, Kazakhstan (specialty code: 13.00.02).


Conference ID: 950 0443 7491

Access code: 624630

Address: 31, Tole bi, (educational building number 3 (2nd floor, room 12)) Almaty, 050010