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XIV webinar of the Virtual Laboratory of Inclusive Education in the Resource and Advisory Center

of Inclusive Education for Universities of the Republic of Kazakhstan


For the purpose of scientific and methodological support and dissemination of effective foreign and domestic experience of special and inclusive education, a Virtual Laboratory of Inclusive Education operates at the Resource and Advisory Center for Inclusive Education for Universities of the Republic of Kazakhstan. On its basis, free webinars are held monthly for specialists involved in the education and upbringing of children with disabilities, parents and all interested persons.


On July 30, 2021, at 11: 00, it is planned to hold the fourteenth webinar of the Virtual Laboratory on the topic: «Training of special teachers to work in an inclusive educational environment». The event will take place online via ZOOM.


The agenda of the webinar:
1. The card of the profession «Special teacher» within the framework of the professional standard «Teacher».
The speaker is Doctor of Pedagogical Sciences, Professor of Abai KazNPU Movkebayeva Z. A.
2. Presentation of the textbook «Development of special and inclusive education in the world».
Speaker-senior lecturer of the M. Kozybayev NKU Dyusenbayeva B. A.

Link to the webinar:

Conference ID: 883 1593 0497


Access code: 341344


We invite all interested parties to take part in the webinars held as speakers and listeners!