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Specialists of Otbasy Bank will consult with employees of Abai KazNPU

Dear employees! On May 11, 2021 at 15.00 in Abai KazNPU an online meeting on Zoom platform will be held. You may obtain free of charge consultancy from «Otbasy bank» (Zhilstroysberbank) consultants at the meeting.


Connect to the Zoom conference

Conference ID: 996 4528 5395

Access code: 426668


Consultants Zhanaibek Aisulu (+77079888663) and Taikeeva Moldir (+77779579775) will answer the following questions:
✅ How to withdraw your savings from the UNPF, for which purposes the funds can be used.
✅ Open a deposit and accumulate your money.
✅ Conditions of state programmes.
✅ The latest changes on crediting.
✅ Gift certificate.
*️⃣  Government programmes.
✳️ Shanyrak 5/10/20
✳️Bakytty Otbasy.
✳️Almaty Zhastary
‼️ Deposit opening is free. You can open a deposit for yourself and your child. There are deposits «Young family» (Zhas Otbasy), child deposit «Arnau» and others.