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Training with Zhasyl El students on the topicPrevention of emotional burnou»

On July 4, 2024, a psychological training on the topic "Prevention of emotional burnout" was held, organized by the Psychological Support Service of KazNPU named after Abai.


The main purpose of the training, which was attended by about 20 young people of the Zhasyl El labor detachment, was to prevent emotional burnout of students who devoted their summer holidays to work, help overcome fatigue, anxiety and provide psychological assistance on the topic.


During the training, the exercise "Body Greeting" was conducted in order to get to know participants more closely with each other and form a positive psychological climate in the group, as well as the exercise "Napoleon Pose", aimed at learning and opening up to each other, establishing close relationships. Psychologists also provided students with special recommendations on how to get out of stress, emotional burnout and answered students` questions.


At the end of the training, psychological counseling was given on the prevention of emotional burnout, and students also shared their impressions.






Psychological Support Service