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Unique opportunity!
The international TOEFL ITP exam can now be taken at Abai KazNPU

The official accredited representative of ETS Global Testing Center TOEFL Abai KazNPU conducts TOEFL ITP exam.

The first exam will be held on April 8, 2021.

Applications for the first exam will be accepted until March 28, 2021.

Follow-up exams will be held on the applications received basis.

The cost of the exam is 35,000 tenge.

For KazNPU students and faculty members, the cost is 30,000 tenge.


Who needs TOEFL ITP?
- applicants for master and doctoral studies;
- teachers of secondary schools, colleges, and universities;
- company employees, students, and schoolchildren.

What do you need to sign up for the test?

To take the test, you will need:
- copy of ID;
- receipt of payment;

To register for the test, you need to send scanned documents to and follow the link:

How to pay for the test?

Make payment transfer using the following details:
NJSC " Abai Kazakh National Pedagogical University"
Legal address: №13 Dostyk ave., Almaty, 050010
Personal Identification Code: KZ178560000000086696
Bank`s Individual Identification Code: КСJBKZKX
Business Identification Number: 031240004969

If you still have questions, please contact: Marzhan Tajiyeva, Karlygash Mukhanova, ph.: +77017619108, +77772730016, email:

Department for International Cooperation