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Spiritual modernization: the heritage of Abai and Shakarim


On 18 October , 2017 at the Institute of Mathematics, Physics and Informatics of Abai Kazakh National Pedagogical University was conducted lecture on the topic: "Spiritual Modernization: the heritage of Abai and Shakarim". This lecture was organized by Dana Mukatova-doctor of historical sciences, professor, director of "Tulgatanu" center. Nurgul Alsherkyzy took part in this lecture on behalf of well-known scientists, writers, descendants of Abai.

Scientific employee of M.Auezov Institute of Literature and Art Yerbolat Bayatov and director of the Scientific Research Institute "Abaytanu" Abai KazNPU Zhabal Shoyinbet conducted meaningful lectures about human and spiritual values in the works of Abai and Shakarim. Doctor of Political Sciences, Professor Saiyn Moldagaliuly Borbasov made a report about the role of modernization of public consciousness and the relevance of N.Nazarbayev`s program article " «Course towards the future: modernization of Kazakhstan`s identity».




Department of Public Relations