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International online round table "World recognized Abai"


As part of the Abai University Strategy, on the occasion of Abai Day on August 10, 2020 at 15:00 will be held an International online round table: "World recognized Abai". Guests of event: Rector of the Moscow State Pedagogical University Lubkov Alexey Vladimirovich (Russia); Director of the Abai Center at Baku State University Dursunova Fatima Askerovna (Azerbaijan); diplomat, public figure, culturologist, honored worker of Kazakhstan Auezov Murat Mukhtarovich; lecturer, literary critic Auezova Zifa-Alua; Professor of Semipalatinsk State University named after K. Shakarim, member of the Union of Artists of Kazakhstan Otepbayev Nurbulan Nugymanovich; all representatives of Abay Centers abroad:


• at the Moscow State Pedagogical University (Russia)

• at the Pomeranian Academy in Slupsk (Poland)

• at Hanoi National Pedagogical University (Vietnam)

• Kazakh-Chinese scientific, cultural, innovative development and training center at KazNPU named after Abai.


Round table speakers:


• Begalieva Saule, head. Department of Philological Specialties for Foreign Citizens of KazNPU named after Abai

• Amankulova Balzhan, Head of the Department of International Scientific and Cultural Relations

• Mahash Gaukhar, coordinator of the "Research Institute named after Hakim Abai" in KazNPU named after Abai

• Ponomarenko Maxim, coordinator of the "Kazakh Center for Culture and Science named after Abai" at the Pomor Academy in Slupsk (Poland)

• Balgazina Bakhytgul, Head of the Kazakh-Russian Center for Culture and Science named after Abai at Moscow State Pedagogical University

• Chan Din Lam, professor at Hanoi National Pedagogical University, coordinator of the Abay Center for Culture and Science at KhNPU (Vietnam).


Organizers of the round table: Department of Philological specialties for foreigners of the Faculty for foreign citizens and pre-university training (Foundation), "Research Institute named after Hakim Abai" in Abai KazNPU, department of international scientific and cultural relations.


The event will be held on the ZOOM platform. All university staff and professors are invited.