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Essay contest «Ulttik zhady bolashak tagylymy»
(National Code and education of the future)


Abai Kazakh National Pedagogical University announced an essay competition «Ulttik zady bolashak tagylymy» dedicated to the 175th anniversary of Abai Kunanbayev, 1150th anniversary of Abu-Nasyr Al-Farabi, 750th anniversary of the Golden Horde.


The aim of the competition is to identify and support talented, gifted children, develop their creative abilities and the aesthetic taste of young people. And also acquaintance of students and masters with literary works of Abai Kunanbayev, world heritage of Abu-Nasyr al-Farabi, the «Second Teacher» of mankind, the state importance of the Golden Horde.


The competition consists of 4 thematic directions:
- «Abai вaskan Izbenen...» (In the footsteps of Abai...)

- «Kemengerliktin kiltin salgan...» (Laying down the keys of wisdom...)

- «Tagylymdy tarih khakinda...» (On the lessons of history...)

- «XXI gasirdin - Abai Universityi» (Abai University - University of XXI century).


Languages of competition - Kazakh, Russian. The volume of the essay - not less than 500 words. Contestants must submit an essay no later than August 25, 2020.


The application address for the competition:, e-mail (specify «Abai essay» in the subject).


The results of the competition will be summed up by voting of the Jury. There are prizes and special diplomas in each thematic area.


The winners will be announced on August 29. The awarding ceremony is scheduled for September 8. For more information, please contact us by phone: 8 (775) 267 0749, 8 (707) 320 2590.


Dear students and Master students, do not miss your chance to test your strength in writing your essay.