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Results of the competition "The best web page of the department on the information portal of

Abai  KazNPU "


       In order to develop and improve the information portal of  Abai KazNPU on 10 March 10, 2017, the was announced the competition "The best web-page of the department on the information portal of Abai KazNPU " according to 7 criteria / Order No. 01-06-05 from 2 March , 2017 /:

1. Availability of information about the work of the department on the pages of the institute and university;

2. The completeness of the list of thematic headings on the page of the department and its conformity to all spheres of the department`s activity;

3. The content of thematic headings;

4. The number and quality of information posted in the rubric;

5. Efficiency of information placement and the degree of renewability and freshness of materials;

6. The presence of an illustrative series: photographs, scanned images, video, graphic information, etc .;

7. Literacy, style, genre variety of published materials.

        Thus, members of the commission observed the progress of filling the information of the departments within one month and on 20 April the results of the competition  "The best web page of the department on the information portal of Abai  KazNPU " were summed up.

         Let us recall that  that the competitive commission put estimates from 0 to 10 points on 7 criteria. Consequently, each department could collect in the total amount from 0 to 70 score.

            Places were distributed as follows:

1 place: Department  of Russian Language and Literature - 70 score;

2 place: Department of Philological specialties for foreign citizens and pre-university training -65 score;

2 place: Department of General Linguistics - 63 score;

3 place: Department of Preschool education and social pedagogics - 56 score

3 place: Department of Botany and General Biology -54 score

3 place: Department of Methods of teaching philological disciplines - 53 score.

        Members of the competition commission noted the high activity of all institutions, but the general activity of the departments of  Abai KazNPU turned out to be not very high. In general, the competition went well!.

         On 28 April, 2017 in the small conference hall  was held the ceremony of awarding diplomas I, II and III degrees and letters of thanks. This event was conducted  by the pro-rector for teaching and methodical work, Professor Gabit  K. Kenzhebayev.

           * We would also like to express special thanks to the Deputy Director for academic mobility and research work of the Institute of Arts, Culture and Sports Laura Sh. Kakimova, deputy director on educational work of the Institute of History and Law Galymzhan Sh.  Bitursyn , deputy director on educational work of the Institute of Natural Sciences and Geography Nurlan T.  Manapov, Deputy head of the department for education, social work and youth policy Kazyna A. Bekbenbetova  and staff Scientific and Practical Center "Resource Advisory Center on Inclusive Education for schools and preventive suicidology" for active promotion of information about university events    on the Internet.

       We Congratulate  the winners! We wish further successes in the promotion of information  about the activities of  department on the website of Abai  KazNPU!














Коллектив отдела информационных ресурсов