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«Modern Virology: problems and prospects»

scientific webinar


Date: may 4, 2020


Time: 15.00


Format: online conference via Zoom


Webinar language: Kazakh, Russian


ID: 584 025 5228


Password: 123qwe


The link to the webinar:



Opening of the webinar. Opening speech.

Sakhiyev Sayabek Kuanyshbekovich,

The Director of the Department of science of the Abai Kazakh national pedagogical University.

Baymahanova Baiken Bekarystanovna,

Deputy General Director for scientific work of «Production center of Microbiology and Virology» LLP»


Metagenomics as a tool for identification and molecular genetic characterization of new potentially dangerous microorganisms and viruses 

Speaker: Bogoyavlensky Andrey Pavlinovich, doctor of biology, Professor, «Production center of Microbiology and Virology, LLP»


Microbiology and Virology in the content of biological education

Speaker: Mahabbat Batyrgalievna Amanbayeva, PhD, senior lecturer of the Department of biology of the Institute of natural science and geography, Abai KazNPU


Results of the study using the «Massive parallel sequencing» method

Speaker: Anarkulova Elmira Izbasarovna, 2nd-year doctoral student, specialty 6D011300-Biology of the Department of biology of the Institute of natural science and geography, Abai KazNPU


Closing the webinar. Closing speech.

1. Kaimuldinova Kulyash Duisenbayevna, Director of the Institute of natural Sciences and geography, Abai University.

2. Murat Zhaksybayev Bodinovich, head of the Department of biology of the Institute of natural science and geography of Abai University.