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Institute of Philology and Multilingual Education celebrates Nauryz

            The annual celebration of Nauryz Meiramy on 15 April , 2017 was held at the Institute of Philology and Multilingual Education. This year, the organizer of the holiday was Department of Russian Language and Literature.
          According to the tradition were built an improvised aul at the Spartak stadium. The festive yurts, the dastarkhans of each departments under the tents, tables covered for students, Kazans with national dishes, dances and songs - everything contributed to the festive mood on this day! The warm and family atmosphere of the holiday was formed due to the guests of different ages - veterans of Abai KazNPU, teachers of the middle generation, doctoral students, undergraduates, students and a lot of children! Children`s ensembles participated in the concert, which was diverse in genres, sincere and cheerful.
         Pro-rector of the university for educational work Zhanatbek Ishpekbayev, director of the Institute Baltabai Abdigaziuly, heads of departments and other honored guests congratulated all with warm wishes .
        Student dean`s office of the Institute organized a costume performance, after which everyone saw what talented students we have and how they know how to have fun. And when began tug-of-war competition, the joy of the fans was not the end! Because , our team won!
         The guests did not want to leave this event. Nauryz was really fun!

We have a guest - Akyn Akynich

           An expensive gift for the guests was the performance of Andrei Fendrikov - a professional musician, a popular Almaty dombra player. Andrey Fendrikov publishes videos in popular social networks under the name of Akyn Akynich, in the image of which he appeared before the public at the Nauryz holiday of Abai KazNPU . "Do you know why this year is such a cold spring? - asked Akynich, - yes it is, because we sing a few songs about Nauryz! ». Guests of the holiday heard one of his new impromptu, dedicated to the Nauryz holiday, which culminated in Andrei Fendrikov`s firm farewell: "This is Akynich. All dombra! ".

Let`s celebrate Nauryz! Do not pass by,
Charged my dombra with excellent positive!
Let everyone have fun on the Nauryz holiday
Let everyone be happy,
This is motto of Nauryz!

In Almaty, in Paris,
In New York and in Moscow,
It makes us closer
Anywere in the world !