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Webinar «Planning and evaluation of distance learning in biological disciplines»

Date: April 15, 2020
Time: 15.00
Form: online conference through Zoom
Webinar language: Kazakh, Russian, English
ID: 584 025 5228
Password: 304310
Link to the webinar:


15.00-15.10 Opening of the webinar. Introduction.
Satmyrzaev Assan Adasbekovich, Vice-Rector for Academic Affairs, Abai KazNPU, Almaty

15.10-15.20 Methods of remote laboratory classes in the discipline «Geobotany»
Speaker: Baykenzheeva Ainur Turdybaevna, Associate Professor, Department of Biology, Geography and Chemistry, Institute of Natural Sciences, Korkyt Ata Kyzylorda State University, Kyzylorda

15.20-15.30 Features of laboratory and practical classes in the discipline «Plant Physiology»
Speaker: Zagritsenko Irina Petrovna, Associate Professor, Department of Biology, Institute of Natural Sciences and Geography, Abai KazNPU

15.30-15.40 Assessment of educational achievements of students in the discipline «Human and Animal Physiology»
Speaker: Adrasak Makhanovich Babashev, Professor, Department of Biology, Institute of Natural Sciences and Geography, Abai KazNPU

15.40-15.50 Organization of the educational process in the conditions of distance learning
Speaker: Amanzholov Rustam Adilevich, Lecturer, Department of Biology, Institute of Natural Sciences and Geography, Abai KazNPU

15.50-16.00 Fundamentals of the development of digital educational resources and the use of information and communication technologies
Speaker: Nurgaliev Nurym Uaiullovich, doctoral candidate, Department of Biology, Institute of Natural Sciences and Geography, Abai KazNPU

16.00-16.10 Rational use of Internet equipment and applications in remote laboratory classes
Speaker: Bashenova Marzhan Akylzhanovna, Lecturer, Department of Biology, Institute of Natural Sciences and Geography, Abai KazNPU

10.16-16.20 Closing of the webinar. Closing speech
Kaimuldinova Kulyash Duysenbaevna, Director of the Institute of Natural Sciences and Geography, Abai KazNPU
Zhaksybaev Murat Bodenovich, Head of the Department of Biology, Institute of Natural Sciences and Geography, Abai KazNPU

Press release