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Special guide for submitting essays to the online contest «The Importance of Abai`s Instructions»


On April 20, 2020, from 9.00 to 13.00 hours, the Department of Kazakh language and literature named after academician S. Kirabayev of the Institute of Philology and Multilingual Education holds an online essay contest «The Importance of Abai`s Instructions» in an online format with the participation of the distance learning Center of the Abai University.

Algorithm for working with the distance learning system:
1. Log in to the site;
2. Click «Log in to the portal»;
3. Enter your username;
4. Enter your password;
5. Enter the «My course» menu;
6. Each student must choose the subject they need. For example, «Kazakh language and literature»;
7. Introduction to the evaluation criteria;
- getting to know the types of tasks;
- task execution.

Students are provided with an individual username and password. Еach student can only access the distance learning system using the username provided to them. And you also have the opportunity to get acquainted with the rules of working with an additional distance learning system (student`s instructions for the DL of Abai KazNPU).

The results of the online competition «The Importance of Abai`s Instructions» will be published on April 21, 2020 on the website of the Abai University

Contact phone numbers: Naimanbayev Almas 87078229402, Estemirova Dariga 87016083452, 87073759673