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Online anti-corruption contest


The Anti-Corruption Agency of the Republic of Kazakhstan jointly with the Republican Project Office «SANALYURPAQ» and the Research Institute «Anti-Corruption Technologies» of al-Farabi KazNU announces an online contest on anti-corruption topics among students in schools, college students and higher educational institutions of our country.

The purpose of this event is to create an environment of universal rejection of corruption through the education system.

Competition nominations:
- «The Best Essay»,
- «The best drawing»,
- «The best video»,
- «The best poem».

1. Materials for the competition are accepted online;
2. Materials are accepted in three languages - Kazakh, Russian, English (to choose);
3. The deadline for the submission of materials is April 20, 2020.
4. Winners will be awarded with valuable prizes.

The competition will be held from April 10 to April 30, 2020
Address and contacts of the organizing committee of the conference: Republic of Kazakhstan, 050040, Almaty, 71, al-Farabi.
You can send essays and poems by e-mail:, tel .: +77077836637.
Drawings, posters, stickers and videos should be sent by e-mail:,
tel. : +77752043944.