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Scientific and practical conference «The Great Teacher of the Nation»

On September 13, 2022, there was held «The Great Teacher of the Nation» conference by project office of Almaty Community Development Department, which was devoted to 150th anniversary of outstanding Kazakh figure, scientist and enlightener Akhmet Baitursynov.


Rashid Seitov, head of the project office «Rukhani Zhangyru» of Abai KazNPU, took part in the conference. «The soul of any nation is its language and literature. Akhmet Baitursynuly, who selflessly worked to preserve and strengthen this most important wealth of the people, will always remain in our memory. His «Okyu kuraly» is our people`s first alphabet, and «Til kuraly» is the first book in the Kazakh language. Therefore, I believe that the younger generation and our future teachers must learn from the origins of true pedagogy», said Rashid Kyzyrbekovich in his speech. He also noted that spiritual wealth of Akhmet Baitursynov to this day contributes to spiritual modernization of the country.


At the end of the conference the results of city competition «Akhmet Amanaty» on the best scientific article among young scientists, undergraduate and graduate students of journalism and philology about the life and work of the great scientist were summed up. There was also a presentation of the «Collection of the Best Articles».





