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Current problems of professional development of specialists in the field of inclusive and special education were discussed

On December 22, 2021, in accordance with the work plan of the Public Council of the Commonwealth of Independent States member states of the basic organization for professional development of teachers and specialists in the field of inclusive and special education, as well as according to recommendations of an extraordinary online meeting of the Educational and Methodological Association (Project Management Team) of the Republican Education and Methodological Council of MES RK of the Republican University of Education and Science under the auspices of Abai KazNPU a round table «Actual problems of training, retraining and advanced training of specialists in inclusive and special education» was held.


The organizer and moderator was Professor Zulfiya Movkebayeva, Director of the Resource Advice Centre on Inclusive Education for HEIs of the Republic of Kazakhstan.


The keynote speakers were: Larisa Kobrina, vice-rector of Pushkin Leningrad State University (Saint Petersburg, Russia) - «Scientific-pedagogical school as a basis for quality implementation of professional higher education programmes»; Galiya Abaeva, Director of Institute of Pedagogy and Psychology of Abai KazNPU (Almaty, Kazakhstan) - «State and prospects of special teachers training in RK»;  Vladimir Shevchenko, Senior Researcher at the Department of Education of Children with Hearing Impairments, Acting Scientific Secretary of the Mykola Yarmachenk Institute of Special Pedagogy and Psychology, National Academy of Pedagogical Sciences of Ukraine (Kyiv, Ukraine) - «Retraining and Professional Development of Specialists in Inclusive and Special Education in Ukraine»; Lola Muminova, Professor, Department of Speech Therapy, Nizami Tashkent State Pedagogical University (Tashkent, Uzbekistan) - «Professional Development of Speech Therapists: Problems and Perspectives; Yulia Kisliakova, Dean of the Department of Management and Professional Development of Teachers, Institute for Advanced Training and Retraining of teachers, Belorussian State Pedagogical University (Minsk, Belarus) - «Content Aspects of Teacher Training for Work in Integrated and Inclusive Education»; Irina Lyapina, teacher of the Lomonosov Northern (Arctic) Federal University (Arkhangelsk, Russia) - «Training of pedagogical staff for the system of special and inclusive education in the subarctic region of the Russian Federation».


More than a hundred representatives of Kazakhstani and foreign universities, regional and district departments of education, administration of educational institutions took part in the event. The round table was held at ZOOM with simultaneous broadcast on YouTube. A collection of scientific papers by the participants will be published based on the results of the meeting.