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Abai University opened a branch of the National Institute for Harmonious Human Development in Almaty


On November 16, 2021, the Chairman of the Board-Rector of the Abai KazNPU Darkhan Bilyalov and the President of the National Institute for Harmonious Human Development, Elena Sakenova, signed a Memorandum of Cooperation. As part of this document, the Abai KazNPU opened a branch of the National Institute for Harmonious Human Development in the city of Almaty.


The events were attended by the Chairman of the Board of Directors of the Abai KazNPU NJSC Gulmira Isimbayeva, the First Vice-President of the National Institute for Harmonious Human Development Isa Samsayev and representatives of the Institute of Pedagogy and Psychology of the University.

The purpose of the Memorandum is the development and promotion of the program of spiritual and moral education «Self-knowledge», which includes: exchange of scientific and educational materials, publications and academic information; research in the field of spiritual and moral education and the implementation of their results in practice, taking into account the opinion of experts; participation in joint projects; preparation of applications for grants for the development of research and innovation activities; holding socially significant events in the field of spiritual and moral education.

Today, the NSPEHC «Bobek» is the only center in the republic that provides comprehensive scientific and methodological support for the «Self-knowledge» program for spiritual and moral training and education at all levels of the national education system.


Gulmira Isimbayeva, Chairman of the Board of Directors of Abai KazNPU, noted that the opening of the branch will serve the personal development of our children and youth, identify their abilities and form a high civic position. «We will do our best to support this necessary project», she said.


Darkhan Bilyalov emphasized the importance of cooperation and noted that self-knowledge plays a big role in the development of a person, especially youth, this is one of the main steps in adapting students to a new life and the realities of the day. Self-knowledge also contributes to spiritual prosperity, raising the culture and morality of the younger generation. «S.Alpiskyzy, the author of the educational project «Self-knowledge» on the revival of moral and spiritual values, set the correct benchmark in the education of our people», the rector noted.


According to Elena Sakenova, the leading role in the implementation of this program belongs to the teacher. Therefore, Abai KazNPU, as the main pedagogical university of the country, was selected as a branch of the National Institute for Harmonious Human Development. The head of this organization assured that the branch will be provided with constant assistance in conducting pedagogical practice for students on the basis of a kindergarten, gymnasium and college, and provided with the necessary educational and methodological literature.


Thus, within the framework of the memorandum, programs of social and pedagogical support and personal development will be implemented at Abai KazNPU, contributing to the versatile harmonious development and successful socialization of children and youth in Kazakhstani society, introducing the younger generation to various types of creativity. Work will be carried out to train, retrain and improve the qualifications of humanitarian and pedagogical personnel in the aspect of moral and spiritual education - the basis of the «Self-knowledge» program.

This is already the ninth branch of the National Institute for Harmonious Human Development at the country`s pedagogical universities. Here teachers of Almaty can take advanced training courses, participate in conferences, seminars and competitions. In addition, here, within the framework of the curriculum, students of pedagogical universities can obtain an additional qualification of a teacher of the subject «Self-knowledge».