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Within the framework of academic mobility,

students of Abai KazNPU will be trained in Poland

The Department of Russian Language and Literature of Institute of Philology and Multilingual Education makes a lot of efforts to implement the main directions of the strategy of Abai University. One of the priority tasks of higher education is the development of academic mobility. The head of the department, Professor Saule Abisheva, is the head of the double-diploma program with the Pomor Academy in the city of Slupsk (Poland). Among our graduates there are already several bachelors and masters who have received international diplomas after this program.

In the current academic year, within the framework of the educational module, six third-year students of the specialties «Russian language and literature» and «Russian language and literature in schools with non-Russian language of instruction» after a period of distance learning from October 2021 will undergo full-time semester training at a Polish university. They will have to master within the framework of the specialty «Russian language in tourism», prepare their final qualification work and return to Kazakhstan with a diploma.

We wish successful studies to our students Aizhan Bimurzaeva, Elina Zharylgasova, Danagul Kuanyshkyzy, Ayaulym Orazai, Angelina Tarasova, Kudaibergen Unaikulov!