26.04.2021 Modern methods of learning Chinese
1st year undergraduates of the specialty 7M01703 - Foreign language: two foreign languages, English-Chinese department also presented their reports. The reports covered various aspects of learning, methods of teaching Chinese, such as hieroglyphics, grammar, interactive methods, and they were interesting to all participants of the seminar. An undergraduate Zhanghuan 张环of 安徽师范大学 Anhui Normal Universitу shared the secrets of the fastest learning Chinese.
The science seminar was held at the proper level, the participating students and undergraduates received valuable information and language skills . The guests of the seminar PhD Abdraev N. K. KazNU named after al-Farabi, head of the department Abdrakhmanova K. Kh., teachers of the department Elemesova Zh. M., Orazova R. K., Kanseitova E. Zh., Satbay G. K., Kospaganbetova N. H. noted the relevance of the topic and expressed gratitude to the speakers.