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Student conference «Youth Science: Traditions, Development and Innovation» in the section

«Translation: Current Translation Problems»


On 7 December 2020, the University held its traditional 75th online scientific conference «Youth Science: Traditions, Development and Innovation». In accordance with the conference programme, a session on the section «Translation: topical issues of translation» was held after the plenary session.


Aigul Kazkenovna Zhumabekova, Chair of the section and Professor of Eastern Philology and Translation Department, opened the section meeting of the conference. Lecturers of the Department of Oriental Philology and Translation (Head of the Department Abdrakhmanova K.H., Senior Lecturer Kopbayeva S.M., N.Shengelbayeva N.R., Senior Lecturer Bekkozhanova G.K., Senior Lecturer Ibragimova K.K., Master Lecturer Islyamova U., Lecturer Nurzhanova A.), 1st and 2nd year students of the specialty «Translation business» (Tashay T.B.), Hamraeva S.T., Adilbekova A.K., Kalieva T.R., Esbulatova Z.S., Abdrasil N.S., Nasibullina Z., Kayirbekova A., Baltara A., Tusupova J., Tlendiev A., Myrzagazy G., Kusainova A., S. Isakhan), 1st-3rd year students (K. Azhikhan, A. Bimirzaev, E. Omarova, A. Sapargeldiev, A. Kazhimurat, A. Sarsen, D. Hashimova, D. Choi, A. Arkabaeva, K. Zhamal, A. Kuralai, T. Nazira, A. Kasymzhanova). Master students and students demonstrated their knowledge by defending presentations and reports prepared on their articles at a high level.


The reports in Kazakh, Russian, English and Turkish languages were full of interesting and valuable information. The selected topics were dedicated to current issues in translation studies. In particular, presentations were made on the translation of Abai`s works into German, the study of tourist discourse, the translation of English euphemisms into Kazakh, the consolidation of translation errors, the translation of ethnocultural vocabulary and many others. The participants, together with research managers, approved the results of their research using examples. After each speaker, various questions were asked from teachers and participants and an interesting exchange of views took place. The conference session was interesting and friendly. Students and masters will get to know each other and continue building good relations with each other.


As a result of the section meeting, teachers Bekkozhanova G.K. and Ibragimova K.K., graduate students Esbulatova Z., Abdrasil N. and Myrzagazy G. shared their impressions. Aigul Zhumabekova, Chair of the Section, announced the participants who had taken prize-winning places in accordance with predetermined criteria. The second place was taken by Baltagara Arai, a 1st year master`s student, Diana Hashimova, a 2nd year student, Ajihan Karakoz, and Omarova Elvira, a 2nd year student. The second place was taken by 1st year master`s student Tlendiyev Ardak and 2nd year student Arkabaeva Aysulu. Esbulatova Zarina, a 2nd year master`s student, was the best among all participants and took 1st place. Abdrasil Nauryzbai, a 2nd year master, Torekhan Nazira, a 2nd year student, and Asylzhan Bimirzaev, a 2nd year student, were very active. They were awarded letters of appreciation.


We express our gratitude to the organisers, teachers and participants. The conference was held at a high level!