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10.12.2014 at 15:00 at the Kazakh National Pedagogical University named after Abai, in a conference hall, was meeting of Afghan students with the Consul General of Islamic Republic of Afghanistan Mr. Syed Moeynuddin Moyen. The meeting was also attended by First Vice-Rector sitting is M. Yermaganbetov .; Vice-rector for educational work Ishpekbaev Zh.E .; Vice-rector for educational and methodical work Kenzhebayev G.K. and employees of ICD.

At the meeting issues concerning the performance of students from Afghanistan who came to study at the Kazakh National Pedagogical University named after Abai in the framework of the Cooperation Agreement, as well as their living conditions. Students warmly thanked the management, teaching staff and the Office of International Cooperation for the friendliness and willingness to help in any situation.
It was also noted the importance of getting the students of the Islamic Republic of Afghanistan, knowledge and experience in the teaching received in the Republic of Kazakhstan, for the further development and work at home. What contributes to the establishment of friendly relations between the Republics.