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4720169Career Development Departmentopen
4720269Regulatory and legal documentsopen
4720369Regulatory and legal documentsopen
4720469Military Departementopen
4720569Scientific and research work of students (SRWS)open
4720669Dissertation councilopen
4720769Archive of the Journalopen
4720869Admission regulationsopen
4720969Faculty of History and Lawopen
4721069Dissertation councilopen
4721269Faculty of Mathematics, Physics and Informaticsopen
4721369Archive of the Journalopen
4721469Faculty of Artsopen
4721569Faculty of History and Lawopen
4721669Academic policyopen
4721769Faculty of Artsopen
4721869Student Lifeopen
4721969Faculty of History and Lawopen
4722069Student Lifeopen
4722169Student Lifeopen
4722269Student Lifeopen
4722369Student Lifeopen
4722469Student Lifeopen
4722569Student Lifeopen
4722669Student Lifeopen
4722769Student Lifeopen
4722869The List of Diploma Projectsopen
4722969Awards and achievements of the Chairopen
4723069Department of New and Modern History of Kazakhstan named after Academician T.S.Sadykovopen
4723169Student Lifeopen
4723269Student Lifeopen
4723369Student Lifeopen
4723469About usopen
4723569About usopen
4723669Department of Informatics and Informatization of educationopen
4723769Scientific and Innovation Park «Abai LABS»open
4723869Faculty of Natural Sciences and Geographyopen
4723969International cooperationopen
4724069Student Lifeopen
4724169Student Lifeopen
4724269Student Lifeopen
4724369Student Lifeopen
4724569About usopen
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4724769Student Lifeopen
4724869Student Lifeopen
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