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4555170Series «Multilingual education and philology of foreign languages»open
4555270Faculty of Natural Sciences and Geographyopen
4555370Alumni associationopen
4555470Council of Young Scientists open
4555670Policy and aims in the area of qualityopen
4555770Educational programs of specialtiesopen
4555870About usopen
4555970Awards and achievementsopen
4556070Educational programs of specialtiesopen
4556170Scientific and research work of students (SRWS)open
4556270Scientific and research activityopen
4556470International Partnersopen
4556570Department for Accounting of Material Values and Banking Operationsopen
4556670International Cooperationopen
4556770Student Lifeopen
4556970Faculty of History and Lawopen
4557070Faculty of History and Lawopen
4557170Faculty of Natural Sciences and Geographyopen
4557270Faculty of Natural Sciences and Geographyopen
4557370Faculty of Natural Sciences and Geographyopen
4557470Faculty of Natural Sciences and Geographyopen
4557570Faculty of Natural Sciences and Geographyopen
4557670Faculty of Natural Sciences and Geographyopen
4557870Ranking 2014open
4557970Educational and Methodological Activityopen
4558070Policy and aims in the area of qualityopen
4558170Educational programs of specialtiesopen
4558270Credit system of educationopen
4558470Scientific eventsopen
4558570Rules of awarding academic degreesopen
4558670About usopen
4558770Scientific eventsopen
4558870Scientific journal open
4558970Student Lifeopen
4559070Faculty of Philologyopen
4559170Schedule of lessonsopen
4559270Student Lifeopen
4559370Series "Physical and mathematical sciences"open
4559470Competitive Documentationopen
4559670Student Lifeopen
4559770Student Lifeopen
4559870International Cooperationopen
4559970Office of Professional Practice, Career and Employmentopen
4560070Scientific and research activityopen

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