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Awards and achievements of the Chair


The work of the teachers of the Practical Languages Department is regularly appreciated and recognized by State and Public organizations, the University Administration and Directorate.

Rosalinda Ashirbaevna Shakhanova, doctor of pedagogical sciences, professor, Honored Teacher of Education of the RK (1995), holder of the breastplate of Y. Altynsarin (2013) and medal "Qurmet belgisi" for contribution to the development of KazSWTTU (2014), holder of the State grant "The best teacher of the Higher Education of RK " (2015), holder of the badge Abai KazNPU "Uzdik ustaz" (2016).

G.A.Kazhigalieva, doctor of pedagogical sciences, professor is a corresponding member of the Kazakh Academy of Education named after Y. Altynsarin (2006), academician of the Academy of Natural Sciences of the RK (2009), holder of the State grant "The best Teacher of the Higher Education of RK" (2007). G.A. Kazhigaliyeva was awarded by the badge "Honorary Worker of Education of the RK" (2009), the Diploma of the Ministry of Education and Science of the Republic of Kazakhstan (2008), and the medal "Uzdik ustaz" by KazNPU named after Abai (2017).

G.P.Shaharman, candidate of Philological sciences, associated professor (2014), R.K.Tokhtamova, senior teacher (2013) were awarded by "Uzdik ustaz" badges.

G.R. Kadyrova, candidate of Philological sciences, associated professor, A.D Maimakova, candidate of Philological sciences, associated professor were awarded by the academic title of professor of the Russian Academy of Natural History (2014), and they were awarded the honorary title of "Honored Worker of Science and Education" (2014).

G.P. Shaharman candidate of Philological sciences, associated professor entered the encyclopedia of the Republic of Kazakhstan "The heart given to children" as "Excellent teacher of the Republic of Kazakhstan", in 2014 the Editorial Board of the encyclopaedia "Best in Education" was awarded with an international diploma for high professional skills and dedicated work for the benefit of the Republic of Kazakhstan.

G.A. Kazhigalieva doctor of pedagogical sciences, professor, G.R. Kadyrova, candidate of Philological sciences, associated professor, A.D Maimakova., candidate of Philological sciences, associated professor in 2013 they entered in the collection "Life in Science. Scientists of the RK. Volume I".

M.I. Uyukbaeva., candidate of Philological sciences, university professor, holder of the State grant "The Best Teacher of the University of RK" (2017).

Department teachers were awarded by diplomas and letters of thanks of the Administration and Directorate of the University.