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Scientific almanac «LingvLit» of the Department of Russian language and literature. Issuer 1. 2017

Scientific almanac «LingvLit» of the Department of Russian language and literature  Issue 2. 2018

We invite young researchers to participate in the scientific almanac «LingvLit» - 2018


We reward for success in scientific work


On 26 November, 2018 at the Department of Russian Language and Literature the award of diplomas and certificates of the participants of the 73 scientific conference of students, undergraduates and doctoral students of Abai KazNPU was held.

The head of the department, Professor Saule Abisheva, warmly congratulated the authors of the best reports and wished them success in their studies and research.

The participants of the conference, who received the diplomas of the I degree, will submit their reports to the Republican competition of student research papers, which is held annually by the Ministry of Education and Science of the Republic of Kazakhstan.




Competition «Til-parasat»


The Office for the Development of the Languages of Akimat of Almaty within the framework of the project «A Look into the Future: Modernization of Public Consciousness on the Transition of the Kazakh Language to the Latin Alphabet» held a competition of Kazakh language experts among the youth of the ethnic groups «Til-parasat».

Under the guidance of the teacher of the Department of Russian Language and Literature Doctor PhD Dina Sabirova, the 1st year student of Abai Kazakh National Pedagogical University Aigul Yarkul in the specialty «Defectology» participated. The goal of the contest is to expand the scope of the state language, enhance the language culture, stimulate representatives of ethnic groups, identify and support talented youth, and support the transition of the Kazakh language to the Latin alphabet.

As a result, our student was recognized as the best and won the «Grand Prix». Aigul Yarkul received a diploma, prizes and a gift certificate for the amount of 200,000 tenge.



Republican subject Olympiad

The Republican student subject Olympiad on specialty "5B011800-Russian language and literature" was in the Kazakhstan branch of Moscow state University named after M. V. Lomonosov from 23rd to 25th of April,2018, which was attended by 3rd year students Ayakoz Ayazbaeva, Meruert Iztleuova and Regina Lelyuk, who are studying in this specialty. Team leader-Doctor of Philology, Professor of the Chair of the Russian language and literature Manat Sh. Mussataeva.

All participants of the Olympiad were awarded with diplomas.




The future of philological science 

On 18 November, 2017 at the Department of Russian Language and Literature of the Institute of Philology and Multilingual Education held meeting of 72 scientific conferences of students and undergraduates.

Master of 1st year course of  the specialty "Literary Studies" Anastasia Belousova made a report in the plenary session of the conference. 


Within the framework of the conference there were five sections: linguistics, literary study (bachelor`s); section "Actual problems of linguistics" and "Actual problems of literary study" (magistracy). The work of the traditional sections for the department was joined this year a new section, the "Small Academy of Schoolchildren", where senior pupils  of the  School of Chemistry and Biology NIS in Almaty and other schools of the city.

The reports of the young researchers aroused sincere interest of the audience, because their topics revealed the most important aspects of modern philology and methods of teaching philological disciplines. Speakers demonstrated the ability to independently analyze works of art, to study the linguistic phenomena of modern language. And the reports of schoolchildren differed not only in the enthusiasm of their authors with interesting topics, but also in the ability to freely express their views and participate in a scientific discussion.

The conference ended on a warm and sincere note, when the Head of the Department of Russian Language and Literature, Professor Saule Abisheva congratulated the speakers. She presented memorable gifts to all participants of the conference, and presents and letters of thanks for the young participants of the "Small Academy of Schoolchildren".






Congratulations with victory in the competition!

On 27 April, 2017 at the Kazakh State Women`s Teacher Training University too place the Republican competition of university teams. This has become a traditional competition among connoisseurs of Russian literature "Language is the confession of the people", for participation in which students are invited who study in the Kazakh language.

As a result of the competition, Abai KazNPU team took honorary 2nd place. We congratulate the winners and their mentor A.T. Ongarbayeva !





Congratulations the winners!

        The team of students of the Institute of Philology and Multilingual Education (specialty 5B011800) participated at the Republican subject Olympiad in Russian language and literature won the 1st degree Diploma in the creative competition and 2nd degree Diploma in the team competition. The Olympiad took place from 12 to 15 April 2017 at L.N. Gumilyov Eurasian National University (Astana).


We congratulate the students of the 3rd year course Gaukhar Urazalieva, Darya Lukina and Akerka Zhalgaeva with success !


      On 28 February, 2017, 1st year course undergraduate of the specialty "6M012200 - Russian language and literature in schools with non-Russian language education" Nurgul Yerkabylova ( scientific adviser - Prof. A.K. Kazkenova) was awarded the Diploma of the 1st degree for her report at the Republican Scientific and Theoretical Conference "Multilingual education: new approaches and technologies".



Активное участие в научных исследованиях и конкурсах принимают студенты и магистранты кафедры.

Перечень студентов и магистрантов - победителей конкурсов, олимпиад в 2015 г

Ф.И.О., курс, шифр и специальность

Ф.И.О., должность научного руководителя

Название конкурса/ олимпиады (место проведения: город, университет, дата, год,)

Вид поощрения

(по какой дисциплине грамота, диплом, место и т.д.)


Серикова Н., 4 курс, 5В011800 - Русский язык и литература

Бузаубагарова К.С., Поляк З.Н., Казкенова А.К., Эглит Л.В.

Республиканская студенческая предметная олимпиада по специальности «Русский язык и литература, г. Семей, Государственный университет им. Шакарима, апрель 2015 г.

Диплом I степени


Серикова Найля, Молдакулова А., Жалгаева А.,  4 курс, 5В011800 - Русский язык и литература

Бузаубагарова К.С., Поляк З.Н., Казкенова А.К., Эглит Л.В.

Республиканская предметная олимпиада по специальности «Русский язык и литература, г. Семей, Государственный университет им. Шакарима, апрель 2015 г

Диплом II степени за занятое 2 место в общекомандном зачете.


Команда студентов 1 курса 5В011900 - Два иностранных языка

Абаева М.К. к.ф.н., доцент

Городской межвузовский конкурс знатоков русской словесности «Язык есть исповедь народа», посвященный 20-летию Ассамблеи народов Казахстана 

3 место



Кашкенова А.  1 курс, 5В011700 - Казахский язык и литература

Абаева М.К. к.ф.н., доцент

Городской межвузовский студенческий круглый стол «Язык - окно в мир», 9 апреля 2015 г.

Благодарственные письма


Ахмадиева Л., Жакиянова К. 1 курс 5В011900 - Два иностранных языка

Казкенова А.К. к.ф.н., профессор

Городской межвузовский студенческий круглый стол «Язык - окно в мир», 9 апреля 2015 г.

Благодарственные письма


Пономаренко М., 6М011800 - Русский язык и литература

Абишева С.Д. зав. кафедрой, д.ф.н., профессор

Участие в республиканском конкурсе претендентов на почетную стипендию  среди магистрантов 2 курса, Астана, ноябрь 2015

Обладатель Назарбаевской стипендии 2015


Тоумбетова Ж. 6М012200-Русский язык и литература в школах с нерусским языком обучения

Кондубаева М.Р. д.п.н., профессор

Республиканский конкурс научных исследований среди магистрантов, 2015 г.

Диплом ІІІ степени


Торе Г. 6М011800-Русский язык и литература

Кондубаева М.Р. д.п.н., профессор

Республиканский конкурс научных исследований среди магистрантов, 2015 г.

Диплом ІІ степени


Конкабаева Г.Б. (выпуск 2015) 6М012200 - Русския язык в шк. с нерус. яз. обучения

Мусатаева М.Ш. д.ф.н., профессор

Республиканский конкурс научных исследований среди магистрантов, 2015 г.

Диплом 1 степени


Еламанова Ф.. 2 курс 6М011800 - Русский язык  и литература

Мусатаева М.Ш. д.ф.н., профессор

Республиканский конкурс научных исследований среди магистрантов, 2015 г.

Диплом Ш степени


Куанышбаева Шилдекул, 6М012200 - Русский язык в школах с нерусским языком обучения

Сафронова Л.В., д.ф.н., профессор

Республиканский конкурс научных исследований среди магистрантов. 2015 г.

Диплом ІІ степени


Умирбекова Дана, 6М012200 - Русский язык в школах с нерусским языком обучения

Сафронова Л.В., д.ф.н., профессор

Республиканский конкурс научных исследований среди магистрантов. 2015 г.

Диплом Ш степени


Пономаренко М., 6М011800 - Русский язык и литература

Абишева С.Д. зав. кафедрой, д.ф.н., профессор

Республиканский конкурс научных исследований среди магистрантов. 2015 г.

Диплом ІІ степени