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Intellectual competition «Digital science-education»

On April 11, 2019 there was held an intellectual competition among the 3 rd year students of our Institute, organized by the Department of Informatics and Informatization of Computer Science and Pedagogical STEM-park within the framework of the Decade of Science-2019.


The purpose of the event is to promote the creative abilities of students, to develop their intellectual potential, to mobilize students and young scientists in solving modern scientific problems using digital technologies, to increase interest in science, as well as to give information on the development of science from Al-Farabi to the present generation.

The competition was attended by 6 teams of 3rd year students of the Institute: KEY TO LIFE, KINEST, TURBO, SMARD DREAMS, TRANSFORMERS and MATEMATICS.


Intellectual competition was opened by the Director of the Institute of Mathematics, Physics and Informatics Marat Bekpatashev. Director of the Institute said that the event was organized for the first time in support of talented students of the university, as well as for the implementation of the First President N.A. Nazarbayev`s program «Digital Kazakhstan». Intellectual competitions will be held on a regular basis to support talented young scientists to develop their creative abilities.


The jury chairman, who evaluates the contest for the teams participating in the contest, said that the department staff and students are launching various intellectual projects, and now they are creating self-moving robots using different computer programs, and further informatics and informatics education Department of Robotics, developed by the Pedagogical STEM-park as well as its potential.


The competition was held in 2 stages.


The first stage - Robot-Battle robots competition. Robots of each team were traced on the black line along the marked points, exited each other from the circle. This robot sumo showed their skills. At this stage four teams, which achieved high results, received a ticket to the next stage.


In the second round, 4 teams participated in the competition called «From Al-Farabi to Digitalization».


According to the results of the competition, the team «TURBO» consisting of young people such as Akzholtai Turganbaevich, Aibar Bakdaulet, Yernur Zhanabai took the third place, team KEY TO LIFE consisting of young people such as Zhanna Orynbek, Meyrzhan Zharkynbek, Aydos Sadyk, 2 place - Bagila Abdykalikova, Aigerim Tulen and Zhanibek Abil, members of «SMARD DREAMS» team took the 1st place. Murat Bekpatashev, Director of the Institute expressed gratitude to all the participants of the competition and presented them with congratulations.










Department of Public Relations