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To the attention of students!


According to the results of the winter examination session of the academic year 2023/2024 the competition for awarding vacant educational grants is announced. The documents are accepted for consideration by the commission for awarding vacant educational grants in various specialities (information on the number of grants in the context of specialities is attached below).

Requirements for applicants:

For the vacant place of state educational grants can apply students and master`s students of the paid department, who do not have academic debts. The following documents are required:
1)Application to the Minister of Science and Higher Education of RK;
2) Application to the Rector of Abai KazNPU;
3) Official transcript for the whole period of study;
4)Copy of ID card.

Documents are submitted to the Directorate of Educational Institutes until 15 January 2024 in online format. (Supplement to the admission of documents for the award of vacant educational grants)

Vacant state educational grant positions